SIMS has been around for 10 years and we’ve had a rotating board of extraordinary students who have helped this club flourish! This year we’ve had to say goodbye to two of our most valuable board members; Arushi and Justin, our VP Comms/Co-President and Co-President/ Co-VP Marketing. Here are some updates on where they are now and some awesome tips for students!
What have you been up to after graduating?
Arushi: After graduating, I was a summer research student for the past four months and I have started my Master of Science in Immunology at the Cumming School of Medicine with Dr. Christopher Mody. So I’m doing a thesis based masters compared to the alternative which is course based. A thesis based masters means I will essentially be spending the next two to three years doing experiments, reading and writing papers and doing presentations on the results of my experiments. After my masters, I hope that I can start medical school but since that is such a competitive field, nothing is guaranteed and I’ve also thought about pursuing a PhD instead.
How much do you feel SIMS contributed to your university experience? Any parting words for the execs specifically?
Arushi: I think that SIMS has had a great influence on my university experience right from the beginning because in my first year I went to their medical school panel night and I was exposed to a wealth of information that made me realize that I was very interested in a career in the medical field. It also made my university experience realistic because it involves a lot of hard work and grit that I didn’t know about going into my undergraduate degree. After becoming an executive at the club, I got to network with so many people in many different medical fields exposing me to many possible careers. I also got to see myself in a leadership position where I got to take on more responsibilities and teach a junior exec which was a brand new experience and improved my interpersonal skills. One piece of advice for the new and continuing executives is don't forget to have fun when y’all are working so hard to make this club an amazing experience for so many students who are looking for guidance.
Do you have any words of advice for our members, both new and old?
Arushi: Advice for all students is that don’t get bogged down in every single little grade because they may seem like the end of the world at that time but once you graduate, you’ll look back to your memories and experiences a lot more than you will to your grades!
